Today we discuss four Biblical examples of people whose troubles could have kept them from seeing Jesus. There are many more examples in the Bible but this article focuses on four which I believe we can easily relate with and draw some insights to apply in our daily lives. Let's hit the road..
We are living in seasons where many hearts are troubled. Many of us, including those who profess faith in God are troubled.
It may be that you are short like Zacchaeus, have a bleeding problem like the woman with the issue of blood, blind like the blind Bartimeus or perhaps you have been fishing all night long like Peter and his brothers and come out with empty nets.
I like to remind myself of these stories especially when my faith is shaken and I think I cannot ‘see’ Jesus in the midst of it all.
1.Short Zacchaeus(Luke 19:1-10)
The Bible describes Zacchaeus as a short man who ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree in order to see Jesus like other people were doing.
He might have been short in stature, but I also imagine the reason he may have climbed the Sycamore tree was because he lacked the confidence to mingle with a crowd of people who hated him. The text describes him as one who took other people's things unlawfully.
All the same, Jesus called out to Zacchaeus and announced that He was going to dine with him in his house!
I can almost hear the crowd booing and complaining and probably some shouting to Jesus to ask Zacchaeus to give back what he had stolen. They wondered why Jesus would eat with a sinner.
But after dining with Jesus, Zacchaeus was a different man. He promised Jesus that he would give back all he had taken from other people.
Luke 19:8 “But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.”
The woman with the issue of blood (Matthew 9:20-22)
The bible does not give her name but what a woman! For 12 years she was bleeding.
Jesus was in the midst of a serious matter, He was on his way to raise from the dead a young ruler’s daughter. But that had to wait because there was a touch on the hem of His garment!
The Bible says that the woman had used up all her money seeking help from many places.
I’m not sure how hard pressed you are by that trouble and if you are brave enough to push through the crowd and believe that just a touch of Jesus’ garment will be enough.
I can imagine what the bleeding had done to her. Women will bear me witness that the smell of that monthly blood is not very pleasant.
She had carried the agony of the smell for so long; she probably smelt of blood. There is nowhere it is recorded that anyone tried to stop her from touching Jesus.
The people probably gave way as they moved from ‘what is that smell!’ moment, and she finally touched the hem of Jesus’ garment; in an instant the bleeding stopped.
The blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52)
Born blind, Bartimeus could not see Jesus or tell where he was. But he decided to use what he had. He had a voice loud enough to go through a great multitude and get Jesus to hear him.
He shouted so much that many warned him to be quiet but he shouted all the more. Other people did not understand how much he wanted to get out of the blindness that troubled him so much.
When finally Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called, Bartimeus threw aside his garment. That garment identified him with begging and blindness.
You must throw aside the identity of your trouble when the Master calls. Jesus is an identity changer.
Finally Jesus asked Bartimeus what he wanted, and he said “that I may receive my sight” (verse51).
I keep thinking that the reason Jesus asked Bartimeus what he wanted was because Jesus needed blind Bartimaeus and the rest of us to voice out our need. Our faith increases as we speak out our troubles.
Do not be quiet; the Master is calling out to you! It’s your turn!
4. Peter and the fishermen (John 21:3-13)
It had been a long night for these men. They were so worn out, having been out fishing all night and coming to shore with empty nets.
Peter told Jesus that they had toiled the whole night and caught nothing. Nevertheless at His word they would cast the nets again to the other side.
This time they did not have to venture into the deep and it was already dawn but the Bible says they caught so much fish that their nets almost broke.
The word of God had changed the circumstances. Jesus was in the fishing venture the second time round.
So what do we learn from this biblical stories?
When you focus on the troubles, those troubles will stop you and discourage you from seeing Jesus.
There is also a great multitude standing in your way, telling you to stop shouting, telling you that you are a thief and Jesus is busy!
But, you must press through the crowd, keep shouting, shed off the garment that identifies you with trouble, you must climb that tree and obey by throwing the net one more time.
Even when you do not feel like it is necessary and you are so tired, you must remember the power that is in the Master.
The command of Jesus and your faith will get you out of your trouble and cause other people to believe and have faith in a Faithful God.
Are you tired of having no results for the troubles in your life? How about you allow yourself to obey the voice of God and see results in situations that have borne no fruit before?
Ignore the crowd, be deaf to their shouts and obey the voice of the Master Jesus.
I hope you found this impactful, have a great day and blessed week ahead!
Written by Esther Nyambura for Sir Issac blessings Newsletter.
Copyright by ©Sir Issac blessings and All rights reserved ⚠
The author, Esther Nyambura is a Christian writer, blogger and speaker with a great story telling style. She is one of the Columnist at Sir Issac Blessings Newsletter and is also open to other forms of writing. Well versed with Technology and marketing topics.
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